[sic] Magazine reviews ‘where this leads’..

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[sic] Magazine reviews ‘where this leads’..

Aside from inevitable big “Closer”, its needling motorik tick driving a warp-drive deployment force to slash and burn all before it with white-hot guitar and strangled space-rock scan, all else fades away. There’s no over reliance on shapeless atmosphere this time around though, these horizontal day-dreams treated to the sort of sun-dappled textures that Ripley Johnson has made his calling card, the most surprising of the bunch, the stand-out “Dezebelle”, bathing in buzzed-out piano. With this sort of curve ball, Where This Leads should really be subtitled Nobody Knows, the album as a whole a strong foot forward to the exciting unknown.

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richard millman
Raven Sings The Blues reviews ‘where this leads’..

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Raven Sings The Blues reviews ‘where this leads’..

The band lays down over an hour of music that roils from seethe to soothe, feeling like navigating a cosmic storm that comes at the listener in multiple waves. As we cross the midsection with the band they find port in the sparkling serenity of “Smoke Drip Revisited” which employs a glinting, liquid-dipped guitar that recalls Moon Duo at their best. The calm within Carlton Melton’s universe often cools to the core, but it doesn’t last long. Before the record is over the listener is back into the fray once more, fighting riffs for oxygen. The band has covered this ground before, but never from this height. Its a bigger engine pushing Where This Leads with a brighter burn.

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richard millman
Exclusive video premiere of ‘Crown Shyness’ from upcoming new album ‘Where This Leads’ by Carlton Melton.

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It’s Psychedelic Baby Magazine - Exclusive video premiere of ‘Crown Shyness’ from upcoming new album ‘Where This Leads’ by Carlton Melton.

Andy Duvall: I had this guitar riff in my back pocket for some time; glad it fell out in the studio that night. I like the title/the song got that humble vibe.

Rich Millman: Some of the things that are interesting to me about the song ‘Crown Shyness’ is , not only is it improvised like the rest of the songs on the album , it’s also unedited. No fading in or fading out. It’s the true beginning and ending of the song. Listening back is like a gentle looking up at the tops of the ancient giants.

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richard millman